What language to choose for AI projects ?

The list might probably include LISP, Prolog, Java, Python, C# and maybe a few more. The choice of language depends upon a lot of factors like personal preference, ease of code, availability of developers etc. Although the skills of the developer always matter more than any language.Thus, we are going to justify just one i.e. Python for AI projects.

Less Code:

Python helps in easy writing and execution of codes. Python can implement the same logic with as much as 1/5th code as compared to other OOPs languages.

Prebuilt Libraries:

Python has a lot of libraries for every need of your AI project. Few names include Numpy for scientific computation, Scipy for advanced computing and Pybrain for machine learning.


there is a huge community of active coders willing to help programmers in every stage of developing cycle.

Platform Independence :

Python provides the flexibility to provide an API from an existing language which indeed provides extreme flexibility. It is also platform independent.

Flexibility and Popularity:

Flexibility is one of the core advantages of Python. With the option to choose between OOPs approach and scripting, Python is suitable for every purpose. It works as a perfect backend and it also suitable for linking different data structures together.

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